
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Toothpaste for Your Beauty

Toothpaste, the one sanitary product that we all use every day of our lives. Morning and evening we come into contact with toothpaste to give our teeth a good cleaning – but why just our teeth? Are we missing out some of the greatest uses of toothpaste?

Some people swear by toothpaste for general household cleaning and beauty, due to the insoluble particles that help remove dirt, just as toothpaste removes plaque from our teeth. Some of examples include:

1.  Clean your fingernails
Both your teeth and fingernails are made from enamel, so it makes sense that toothpaste would be good for both of them, put some under your nails to make sparkly and clean. Along with cleaning you can get stronger and shinier nails with the help of tooth paste.

2.  Lips
To make your lips pink and full, gently brush your teeth with menthol based tooth paste. You get to remove dead skin cells and also make the lips pink and pouty too.

3.   Acne
Acne is the second skin problem every one faces. Whenever a pimple pops up, dab a little toothpaste over it and let it stay overnight. The next morning the pimple appears to be dry without a scar too.

4.  Wrinkles
Wrinkles can be lightened with the help of toothpaste too. All you need to do is apply a little toothpaste on the area and leave in overnight. Rinse the next day.

5.  Blemishes and Dark spots
Toothpaste is an amazing remedy to treat blemishes and dark spots. Make a pack made of toothpaste and some milk. Wash your face thoroughly and apply this on the blemishes and dark spots. Let it dry and wash off. You can add a few drops of tomato juice also to the pack.

6.  Removing Blackheads and Whiteheads
Blackheads and whiteheads are major problems for most of us and they are hard to get rid of. However you can use toothpaste to get rid of all these stubborn skin problems.
·        Blackheads: take some toothpaste and mix some salt and mint leaves with it. Put this stuff in the blender and make a smooth paste. Apply this on your blackheads prone areas and wash off after 5 minutes.

·        Whiteheads: simply brush your skin at whiteheads prone areas with mix of toothpaste and water. Make sure you use baby toothpaste for this purpose.

7.  Remove Dark Lines
We often suffer nasty dark lines around our neck area. To get rid of these lines, apply a mix of toothpaste and water on those lines and wash off once the paste dries.
So no more worrying about getting your beauty as before, don’t limit toothpaste to just your teeth, explore the uses of toothpaste – you’ll be pleasantly surprised!